Pete White first performed as a busker with a juggling act. He learned clowning and performing skills with Hullabaloo Circus in Leeds. Pete then got involved with Cabaret Heaven in Leeds where he developed his 'Trevor Organ' character along with an incompetent plate-spinning act. Recently he has concentrated on developing a stand up comedy routine where no plates get broken.
Pete teaches what he knows in schools and community projects. What he doesn't know he tries to learn. Pete has performed at many festivals and events throughout the UK.
“Pete rules!”. (Martina, Croatia)
“Pete is the best!”. (Sven, Hungary)
“I really liked how Pete explained everything. He did it very well”. (Bala’zs, Hungary)
“The most I enjoyed was the Blackpool circus, Pete’s performance and the show for the children”. (Istua’n, Hungary)
“Firstly I’d like to thank Pete. He is a great performer and an excellent teacher”. (Karla, Croatia)