VISIBILITY (please read carefully these 4 points)

1) LIVE UPDATE : During the training we will run different actions in order to give to your friends/family and others person interested  by the workshop the possibility to follow your  activities LIVE. Therefore we will publish regularly pictures/videos/info on the SUITCASE CIRCUS blog ( ). We will as well  update our Facebook, Twitter and Youtube Chanel every 30 minutes.

You can have a look on what we did during our last Grundtvig Learner Workshop:

2) TELL YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY/COLLEAGUE and others persons who may be interested to follow your activities during this workshop. Send them the link to the blog ( ) or invite them to join Everything is Possible Facebook account (‘’Everything is Possible’’: the one with a picture of a blond girl and a sign with Everything is Possible written in green).

3) ADD THE SUITCASE CIRCUS COVER ON YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT: To help you to share the event, we created a special Suitcase Circus banner that you can add on your Facebook.

Here is an example of how you could use this cover:

4) JOIN US ON FACEBOOK/TWITTER/YOUTUBE:If you have a Twitter account I encourage you to join us and to use #glwsuitcasecircus every time you tweet about the workshop. We will let as well one laptop on which participants will have possibility to tweet. If you don’t have twitter, we will be happy to explain you how to use it.
I encourage you as well to join us on our Facebook, Twitter and Youtube account and share these links with your friends/family/colleague and others persons who may be interested to follow your activities during this workshop.

Click on the different banners to access the account: