Project supported by ECORYS UK and the Lifelong Learning programme of the European Commission.
Dates of the Workshop : 23rd - 30th Septembre 2012
Venue of the Workshop : Leeds (United Kingdom)
Topic of the Workshop :
- Learning opportunities for people at risk of social marginalisation,
- Artistic education,
- Intercultural education.
Language of the Workshop : English
Target group(s) : This workshop targets participants who have no experience of adult education, coming from backgrounds of social exclusion/unemployment, we will prioritise applicants who have not accessed previous LLP programmes and are under the age of 30 years. We are also able to support disabled learners.
We are therefore encouraging applications of 4 learners (with fewer opportunities) and one support learner from the same organisation.
Expected number of participants : 25
Main activities / programme of the Workshop:
Suitcase Circus will offer participants the opportunity to create their own virtual suitcase full of performance and presentation skills including basic abilities in real circus arts, such as juggling stilt walking and trapeze. Learners will design and create their own circus costume, spend a day in a circus school, visit a live UK circus and finally demonstrate their skills in a public circus performance they will create and perform on the penultimate day of the workshop. Alongside these practical activities, learners will gain knowledge about international circus and similarities and differences in circus in different countries of the world.
Expected outputs :
Suitcase circus will equip participants with a ‘suitcase of transferrable skills’ which they will take away from their time in the UK back to their home nations. The skills will include core and key competencies as well as skills and knowledge in the theme of the workshop Circus.
Learners skills development will include:
-Hand-eye co-ordination,
-Learning to break down simple skills,
-Motivation and self-discipline to practice skills,
-Participation in tightwire, silks and rings,
-Learning juggling, plate spinning, hula hoop and diablo,
-Performance/presentation skills.
Developments of the Key Competencies include:
-Communication in mother tongue,
-Communication in a foreign language,
-Learning to learn,
-Learning individually and in a group,
-Putting into practise acquired knowledge/skills,
-Developing the capacity to participate socially,
-Developing the ability to adapt,
-Learning to motivate one-self.
Practical arrangements :
All practical aspects of the workshop will be arranged by Everything is Possible. We will book travel for learners and arrange all aspects of their stay in the UK. Participants will be accommodated together in a hotel or training centre in close proximity to where activities will take place. Rooms will be en-suite and the accommodation and training rooms will be wheelchair accessible. Meals will be taken together in both the accommodation and in local restaurants.