Tuesday, 25 September 2012

25.09.2012 - Third Day - Juggling, Hula Hoop

19.30 - Intercultural evening.

17.30 - Way back to the hotel.

16.00 - Balancing with peacock feathers.

15.00 - Hula Hoop Workshop.

14.15 - Show by Pete White.

14.00 - It is now the turn of the group from Malta.

13.45 - Croatian participant are now presenting their country. 

13.30 - The spanish group is preparing their Fabric trapeze.

12.35 - Lunch Time

12.35 - Tina, Croatian participant is showcasing her hula hoop skills in 3 min with Mark.

12.00 - Each group of two are presenting their little ''Juggling'' show.

10.45 - Juggling workshop.

10.15 - Activity.
Participants are writting interesting fact about them on a paper that they are putting after on a balloon.
The participants are now choosing a balloon that they are destroying to take out the paper.
They are now trying to find the person who wrote the paper selected through a 1minutes interview with each participants.

10.00 - Beginning of the session.